Receive 2 Sacred Geometry of Nature Upgrades for one price!

The language of the Universe is one of numerical patterns merging together to form stunningly beautiful holographic geometric shapes which are templates for our very planetary existence. 

The beauty of these patterns goes beyond the magical patterns themselves. 

Your entire lightbody, including coding in your DNA, consists of the sacred geometry of the Universe.

You are the Universe.

Upgrading your lightbody with the holographic sacred geometry of Mother Earth prepares you for the existing and upcoming times of transcendence by reconnecting your being with threads of universal consciousness, repairing discords in your sacred geometry frequencies ascending your physical body, emotional well-being and conscious awareness allowing new, positive opportunities to emerge as you become more cohesive with the fractal arrangements of All That Is.

To thrive is to be rooted from both above and below.

Sacred geometry, Psilocybin

Mostly well known for its hallucinogenic expression when ingested the sacred geometry of psilocybin intersects your 5D and 3D worlds in the following ways:

  • Clearing your lightbody of reality distortion shifting expansion into your physical world.
  • Dissolving ego and defragmenting your 3rd eye elevating your projection, remitting general happiness, living in your now coupled with spontaneous creativity, a deeper level of unity, peace and love allowing you to experience a more conscious perception and therefore a more aligned, newly created reality.
  • Continuous clearing of the 3rd eye dissolves deeply rooted ego fears dissipating anxiety, headaches and feelings of depression as you experience living in your creative expression and your now moments in time.


Sacred Geometry of Cannabis

Deeply rooted in ancient times the high vibration and free flowing cosmic energy of cannabis sacred geometry acts on the following levels:


Pain resolution, stress and anxiety relieve and producing deeper sleep states are among the most commonly reported positive outcomes of restoring the lightbody with the sacred geometry of cannabis.


Emotional trauma is released as your lightbody is repaired.


The sacred geometry of cannabis provides an increase in conscious awareness where one experiences their life through sensory perception without brain interpretation. 

Such as how you feel when you smell a flower.

To thrive is to be rooted from above and below.

This Sacred Geometry of Nature upgrade is sent to you quantumly, with love and upgrades your being 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at your physical body density ensuring maximum pattern repair results.

Wishing you wellness of your being,
